Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Ups and Downs

Sometimes life is like a roller coaster. I do love and always have love to ride them so I better just get on and enjoy the ride. I am sure that the ride of life can be fun if we look at it that way. How is it that sometimes we get stuck in line and never get onto the ride. Life is too short to not hold your hands high in the air and scream and laugh. That is what I like to do when I ride a roller coaster. Why not do that in life?

I have often found myself doing only the mundane things in life and forgetting to enjoy the ride. It is way more fun to play a game of checkers with my son than wash the dishes. It is more rewarding to talk to my daughter rather than yell at her. Why is it that we would choose the latter?

The joy in life is found in the little things that we do. It is when we pile in the car with treats and watch my son's game or my daughters soccer. It is when we go someplace together and end up with a laughing memory. It is in the quite talks on my bed and the assurance that we love each other. It is in the early morning talks with my husband before anyone or anything is awake yet. Joy in life is all of these small things all added together to make life.

I hope that I take the time to get on the roller coaster ride and hold up my hands and laugh. It is way more fun than standing around watching everyone else have the fun. Make it and create it. We might as well enjoy the ride.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Game, Game, Game...

I love to watch my children play in their games. It is so fun to see them struggle, work hard and have successes. I have the privilege of watching up to 12 games that my children are involved in this week. Will I make it to all of them? I am not sure but to know that they are there for me to see is a wonderful thing.

I believe in being on a team and working toward the same goals. I believe in the process of progression and the strength that can be found in being on a team. Life's lessons are to be learned in playing "the game".

My son who is eight was so excited to know that his family was coming to watch him play in his game. He looked often to us and was happy to see us give him thumbs up. He does love to play and it is fun to see his excitement. I hope that it continues through out his life. He said to me tonight that he was a good player. I assured him that he was and that he could still get better. Life is too short to not love "the game".

A Need to Talk

There are times that you wonder where your life is going and what good you are doing. I have often sought confirmation that what I am "doing is the right thing at the right time". I remember when I got engaged and felt pressure from my father that what I was doing was not right. I was confused because I knew that I had sought guidance and had received confirmation that I was doing the right thing. My father softened and trusted me. When the sealer stood at the end of our ceremony he thought to say " I just felt impressed to tell you that you are doing the right thing at the right time." I know that I did not really need to hear that but I will tell you that through the difficult times I was reassured that I was where I needed to be.

Often times I have sought that same confirmation as I have gone through my life. I know that I can feel as I did then that I am "doing the right thing at the right time". Each time I have sought that confirmation I have received a witness of comfort. I am not sure why I have been blessed with such tender mercies but I am forever grateful.

These last few weeks I have had a difficult decision to make and have sought to know what to do and that the decision that I felt right about was the right thing. I wanted to know if I was "doing the right thing at the right time". I made my decision based on the feeling of comfort and knew that I would leave it in the Lords hands. How is it possible to not have confirmation in the things that we do. How can we not have guidance in our life especially when we are making life changing decisions. I do not ever want to be alone to make these decisions and will be forever grateful for the Lord's hand in my life.

All of us should seek for assurance in our lives. We need to know that we are where we need to be or better yet where the Lord needs us. I know that when we strive to do what is right that we can receive this guidence and that in this we can be more affective in His work. I am glad to know that He knows all and can direct me to be in the "right place at the right time".